best practices

Increase Your Online Survey Response Rates

Survey Design, Invitations, Timing and Other Tips that Boost Participation I worked with one client who was resigned to one percent response rates on her organization’s surveys. There was little I could do to convince her that we could move the needle. On the other end of the spectrum, I worked with one association executive who was…

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Is Do-It-Yourself Research Always a Bad Thing? (Hint: I offer some how-to tips.)

I was at one of those massive conferences recently and happened sit down at lunch in the trade show next to a fellow researcher. I didn’t know her so we traded topline credentials and demographic information–location, typical clients, specialties–by way of introduction. Then, as often happens these days, our conversation turned to the economy. So…

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10 Habits of Highly Effective Marketing Researchers–Habit 2

When I began working with associations several years ago, I was baffled by some of the research that groups called “member needs assessments.” From what I could tell, the purpose of these surveys was far less about identifying members’ current and future issues, challenges and resulting needs than about grading the associations past activities. Certainly,…

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Brand Building Workshop

If you’re working in associations and have an interest in building, protecting and communicating your association’s brand, I will be co-presenting a two-day workshop sponsored by the Canadian Society of Association Executives. My co-presenter is Glenn Tecker, the outrageously charismatic creator of the ASAE’s CEO Symposium. In addition, Joanne Charlebois, of the Appraisal Institute of…

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10 Habits of Highly Effective Marketing Researchers – Habit 1

Some of the wisest—and most wasteful—marketing dollars spent are spent on marketing research. And it’s not always how much that is spent, but who it’s spent with that makes the difference between a wise investment and folly. The capabilities and understanding of the marketing researcher conducting the project are what sets one apart from the…

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