About Robin

Robin Wedewer
Robin Wedewer has a keen interest in effective decision making and has studied decision theory, decision making tools and mental models. This work continues to influence her ideas, speaking and writing about research. She believes that the bottom line for any research project should be about the future and what decisions will be made based on the information gathered in a research project. You can see Robin’s description of her approach to research here. Robin has also authored several ebooks, which are available for download.


Robin began her career working for several years in marketing and public relations in the non-profit sector. She then worked in marketing and research, working with a wide variety of clients, including AT&T Universal Card Services, Merial (makers of Frontline® and Heartgard®), Luitpold Pharmaceuticals (makers of Adequan®), Mayo Clinic/St. Luke’s Hospital, North Shore Medical Center and ABB Environmental Services.

Robin pursued graduate studies in research and communications at the University of Maryland, College Park. She has also attended the A.C. Nielsen Burke Institute for quantitative research studies and focus group moderation. She is a member of the Marketing Research Association, QRCA, the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals and the American Society of Association Executives.

Professional Experience

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President, The Wedewer Group
Founder and Manager, VetMEDResearch.com
Senior Consultant, Tecker International, LLC
Research Director, The Robin Shepherd Group
Account Group Director, St. John & Partners




Volunteer Work
Managing Editor, QRCA Views (Journal for the Qualitative Research Consultants Association)
Online Research and Technology Editor, QRCA Views (Qualitative Research Consultants Association)
Industry Relations Liaison to the American Marketing Association, QRCA (Qualitative Research Consultants Association)
Calvert Toastmasters Chapter of Toastmasters International
Treasurer, Calvert Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
President, Learn to Read (Literacy Organization)

Other Memberships
Insights Association
American Society of Association Executives
Mid-Atlantic Facilitators Network
American Marketing Association
Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Burke Institute, Specialized Moderator Skills
Burke Institute, Designing Effective Quantitative Questionnaires
Burke Institute, Focus Group Moderator Training
Masters work (all but thesis), University of Maryland, College Park
B.A., Mary Washington College



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