Month: January 2009

Brand Building Workshop

If you’re working in associations and have an interest in building, protecting and communicating your association’s brand, I will be co-presenting a two-day workshop sponsored by the Canadian Society of Association Executives. My co-presenter is Glenn Tecker, the outrageously charismatic creator of the ASAE’s CEO Symposium. In addition, Joanne Charlebois, of the Appraisal Institute of…

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10 Habits of Highly Effective Marketing Researchers – Habit 1

Some of the wisest—and most wasteful—marketing dollars spent are spent on marketing research. And it’s not always how much that is spent, but who it’s spent with that makes the difference between a wise investment and folly. The capabilities and understanding of the marketing researcher conducting the project are what sets one apart from the…

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Evaluating Online Content

The Internet can be a source of valuable information without having to spend a great deal of money. But it’s also littered with inaccurate, misleading and sometimes downright false information. How do you know what you’re getting is reliable?

* What is the source? Your source should be a reputable company or other expert within your industry. If you’re not familiar with the source, ask colleagues about it or conduct a search on the web to see if newspapers, magazines or other information providers have cited the source.…

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Introduction to Bulletin Board Focus Groups

What is a bulletin board focus group? A bulletin board focus group (BBFG) is an asynchronous, threaded discussion typically involving dozens of participants per group over extended periods of time. The participants log in to the software at a URL with a user name and a password to answer questions that are posted and monitored…

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Should Your Next Focus Group Be Online?

Improved technology and software applications have made online qualitative research an option that can save time, increase flexibility and cut costs. Should your next focus group be conducted online? Here are frequently asked questions about online focus groups and bulletin board focus groups.’

What are the advantages of online qualitative research methods?

Online qualitative research allows the researcher to do studies that would be impossible or impractical to do using traditional methods. Since the methods do not try to replicate or, necessarily, imitate a face-to-face group, it also takes the research into new directions that leverage the power and unique nature of the Internet.…

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