
Is Do-It-Yourself Research Always a Bad Thing? (Hint: I offer some how-to tips.)

I was at one of those massive conferences recently and happened sit down at lunch in the trade show next to a fellow researcher. I didn’t know her so we traded topline credentials and demographic information–location, typical clients, specialties–by way of introduction. Then, as often happens these days, our conversation turned to the economy. So…

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Make It Easy. And Let Them Know You Care.

A non-profit pro bono client recently handled sending out their own survey invitations. Out of about 1,700 emails they sent, they got a whopping five survey responses. FIVE. Fortunately, the reasons for the dismal response rate were fairly easy to correct. They didn’t follow the two overarching rules for creating successful email survey invitations: 1) Make…

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Opposite In-Depth Interview Strategies – Same Great Results

This seems to be the season for conducting in-depth telephone interviews, probably because so many people are trying to figure out what the heck is going to happen now that businesses are struggling back to their knees following the knock-down economic punch of 2009. So I’ve been talking with business owners and consultants quite a…

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Tell Me More: The Art of the Focus Group Probe

I recently had the opportunity to observe a fairly new focus group moderator. The group participants were everyday consumers talking about a financial product that they had purchased. As the group progressed, it was painfully clear that many of the people were having difficulty expressing their ideas and making themselves understood. The moderator attempted to…

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10 Tips to Increase Online Survey Response Rates

Whenever I work with membership organizations on surveys, they invariably ask the question, “What kind of response rate should we expect?” Although it’s not very satisfying, my response is always, “It depends.” Here are 10 ways you can increase the response rate to your next online survey. 1 – Make a habit of diligently scrubbing…

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