Decision-Focused Research: How to Get the Information You Really Need

decision focused research cover

Decision-focused research starts with the end in mind—information to inform your thinking about the decisions you are facing. It is a methodical approach to information gathering for the purpose of understanding an issue, identifying potential alternatives for addressing that issue and gauging the potential impact of alternative. In Decision-Focused Research, Robin describes how research structured around the decision making process can improve your results.

What will you learn from this ebook?

  • How decision-focused research can ensure your research is asking the right questions
  • What questions to ask as you develop your research
  • Best practices for writing a research plan
  • How to decide between qualitative and quantitative research
  • What types of decisions can be made with 12 different types of survey research
  • Six things to consider when deciding if DIY research is right for your project
By Robin Maurice Wedewer
Published 2016
16 pages

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